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Scientific Publications & Research by HealthyW8


Welcome to our Publications section, where we showcase the latest scientific research and findings from the HealthyW8 consortium. Here, you will find peer-reviewed articles, journal papers, and other scholarly publications that contribute to the advancement of evidence-based strategies for sustainable weight management. Explore our work and stay informed on the latest developments in nutrition, health, and science!

  • ‘Let me recommend… ’: use of digital nudges or recommender systems for overweight and obesity prevention—a scoping review protocol

    The article outlines a scoping review protocol to assess digital nudges and recommender systems for obesity prevention. It aims to map these interventions based on target populations, behaviours, and implementation strategies. Using databases like MEDLINE and Scopus, the review will inform future research and digital tool development for obesity prevention. 

    Forberger S, Reisch LA, van Gorp P, et al. ‘Let me recommend… ’: use of digital nudges or recommender systems for overweight and obesity prevention—a scoping review protocol BMJ Open 2024;14:e080644. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-080644”

  • Multicomponent (bio)markers for obesity risk prediction: a scoping review protocol

    The article outlines a scoping review protocol to assess multicomponent biomarkers for predicting obesity risk. It explores diverse markers—including genetics, metabolomics, gut microbiota, and lifestyle factors—to improve early detection and intervention. Using databases like PubMed and Scopus, the review aims to inform future research and public health strategies for obesity prevention. 

    Vahid F, et al. Multicomponent (bio)markers for obesity risk prediction: a scoping review protocol. BMJ Open. 2024 Mar 8;14(3):e083558. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-083558