The Kick-off Meeting in Luxembourg gathered 24 partners from 9 countries, uniting to revolutionize obesity prevention through a digital-based lifestyle system.

Kick Off Meeting Luxembourg

The much-awaited HealthyW8 Project Kick-off Meeting took place on 19th July in Luxembourg, marking the beginning of a groundbreaking 5-year mission in combating obesity. With the participation of 24 partners from 9 countries, the meeting served as an exceptional platform to introduce this innovative initiative that seeks to revolutionize obesity prevention through a state-of-the-art digital-based healthy lifestyle recommender system.

The core of HealthyW8's approach lies in personalized interventions that address vital aspects of health, including dietary habits, physical activity, and psycho-emotional well-being. By empowering individuals to make healthier choices, the project seeks to create a lasting impact on public health.

From schoolchildren to young adults and the elderly, HealthyW8 is committed to targeting individuals across all life stages. By incorporating advanced bio-marker assessments, eHealth interventions, and gamification techniques, the project surpasses conventional methods, paving the way for sustainable behavioural changes.

The collaboration of international partners from Luxembourg, Germany, Bulgaria, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Denmark, The Netherlands, and Romania, including 15 research and higher education institutions, 5 NGOs, and 4 SMEs, strengthens HealthyW8's potential for real-world impact. With a shared vision, this multidisciplinary consortium is dedicated to building a healthier Europe, where individuals are equipped to lead healthier lives.

Stay tuned for further updates on the progress of HealthyW8 as it takes decisive steps in obesity prevention across the continent.